HIt took a while, but the sun is finally shining! Lovely warm afternoons outside, with plenty of cooling required. And what is perfect for cooling down? Of course, ice cream! This is also fun to make with the kids, because who doesn't want to make their own ice cream? Here are 4 ice creams that you can easily make at home!

First of all, it is of course useful to have an ice cream maker for this, but it can also easily be done in a plastic cup with a wooden stick. No wooden stick? No problem, feel free to use a spoon!


  1. Strawberry ice creams

Nice and sweet and a nice color too! You can use fresh strawberries for this, or frozen. Place the strawberries in a blender with some water and pour it into your ice cream mold or plastic cup after blending. You can also replace the water with fruit juice and you can of course also use other types of fruit. Make it as crazy as you want! Super tasty, simple and healthy, because you don't add anything else to it!

2. Yogurt ice creams

Delicious yogurt ice creams are always good. Think of a Greek frozen yogurt with honey and strawberry. Stir some honey into the yogurt and pour it into the molds. Add as many strawberry slices as you like. Other versions could be yogurt with mango and banana, or blueberries. You can also do it exactly the way the children want with yogurt ice creams.

3. Tropical ice creams

A delicious ice cream full of fruit! This ice cream looks super nice and is very tasty. Cut some fruit, such as kiwi, apple, strawberry or melon into slices/cubes. Dilute some water with lemonade or concentrated juice. Pour the mixture into the molds and add as much fruit as you want. Very easy and also enough freedom in choices.

4. Vegetable ice creams

This may not sound like something tasty, but it certainly is! This vegetable ice cream is unique and also delicious. Put some beetroot, carrot, apple juice and pear in a blender. Blend this well until a smooth mixture and add it to the blender. The beetroot makes the ice creams look great, and the apple juice and pear make it a bit sweeter!

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Amsternannies is the nicest babysitting agency in Amsterdam. With our blog we give you insight into the events where we attend as babysitters. You can also find great children's recipes or very cool offers for young families here!

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