Amsternannies Home2024-07-25T12:42:02+00:00

Our mission


At Amsternannies, personal attention for families and Nannies comes first.

Our personal service makes Amsternannies unique among babysitting agencies. Do you need a Nanny? With one message we ensure that a good match is ready, so you don't have to make a selection yourself and wait for responses from the Nannies. Our account managers ensure that a Nanny is ready, even at the last minute, so that the planning is completely taken off your hands.

How it works

We schedule an (online) intake interview with each family, during which we would like to hear everything about your family. This way we can create an extensive family profile.

After the intake interview, we will look for the perfect match for you. If her profile appeals to you, we will schedule an introduction.
When both parties are enthusiastic, the Nanny can get to work.

We have regular contact with both the family and the Nanny, so that we continue to monitor whether everything is as desired.

We are available (almost) 24/7 for additional babysitting requests. We will arrange a replacement if a Nanny is ill or if you need a Nanny at the last minute. We ensure that there is a nice Nanny at all times.


We offer different types of babysitting services, tailored to the needs of the family:

  • Fixed Service (weekly recurring day)
  • Flexible Service (one-off & last-minute)
  • Holiday Nanny

  • NightNanny

  • MaternityNanny
  • Shared Nanny

  • Event Nanny

  • Manny

Register as a family

Find your perfect Nanny!

A good Nanny is worth gold. At Amsternannies we do everything we can to find the perfect match for you. We do this personally and do not outsource it to a platform. We think it is very important that you close the door behind you with a good feeling and know that the children have a good time with the Nanny. Personal contact with both the families and the Nannies is not only our starting point when making the match, this is an important part during the entire period at Amsternannies. We would love to meet you soon during an intake interview!

Become a Nanny

Get started with the nicest families in Amsterdam!

As an Amsternanny you can babysit for a fixed (midday) day per week or on a more flexible basis.
If you are still studying, it is sometimes more difficult to commit to a family for a longer period of time. We therefore also make a distinction between Nannies and Premium Nannies. In both cases, you have a lot of experience with babysitting and you really enjoy it. You are enterprising, proactive, flexible and also enjoy helping out around the house.

To become a Premium Nanny, follow the Nanny Academy program.

Register and we will ensure that you can get started quickly!

Discover our services

And find a great Nanny for every situation!

We founded Amsternannies in 2014 and since then we have proudly helped more than 2,700 families and deployed more than 3,900 Nannies. Our babysitting agency in the center of Amsterdam is known for our reliable network of Nannies and families and the personal attention. Discover our various services below and contact us.

  • Fixed babysitting service

    We manage your planning and ensure that a Nanny is always available. We ensure as much continuity as possible and, where possible, the same Nanny on the fixed day.

  • Flexible babysitting service

    Would you like to go out for dinner one evening or does the school or daycare center have a study day? Then we always have a Nanny available for you, even at the last minute.

  • MaternityNanny

    In the first weeks after the birth, many families could use some extra help during this special, but also challenging period. Our Maternity Nannies are the perfect addition to maternity care.

  • NightNanny

    A Night Nanny is a professional and experienced Nanny who takes care of your baby at night, so that you can sleep through the night.

  • Shared Nanny

    Amsternannies offers the opportunity to share a Nanny; This way the children can play together and you share the costs.

  • Holiday Nanny

    Our Nannies are there to ensure that you and the children have a fantastic holiday. They can go out with the children or stay at the house when the children are sleeping.

  • Event Nanny

    Our Nannies are available for events of all sizes; from a gender reveal to weddings or large company parties.

  • Manny

    A boy, a Manny, who comes to babysit! Research shows that from a pedagogical point of view, Mannies make a positive contribution to the development of children.

Read our references

In our last customer satisfaction survey from 2023, we were rated a 8,7 by our families!

  • Every Wednesday we have our permanent Nanny Eva. She undertakes fun activities with the children and ensures that everything is cooked at the end of the day. If she can't make it, I think it's a solution because you are always able to solve problems. That's a must with my agenda! So very happy with it!

    Yvette and Willem

    - Thijmen (6), Pip (4) and Maas (2)

  • We had a Night Nanny, Nanny Lizzy, and she was absolutely amazing! She was like an angel to us. Emma didn't sleep well for months, so we decide to start with a Night Nanny. If only we had done this sooner!

    Sophia and Nicolas

    - Baby Emma

  • Amsternannies always arranges someone if something changes at the last minute. Really nice to have this at hand. Contact with the girls at the office is good and relaxed and we are all very enthusiastic about the Nannies so far!

    Annefloor and Pieter

    - Cato (4 years) and Liv (1 year)

Our story

We, Evelien Hunink and Dorine van Lith, set up our babysitting agency Amsternannies in 2014 because we are both convinced of the benefits of childcare at home. After more than 10 years of babysitting experience, setting up a babysitting agency was a logical choice for us at the time. Amsternannies is a young and fast-growing babysitting agency, with a large reliable network of Nannies. “The combination of our fields (business administration & orthopedagogy), our experience and our network, makes Amsternannies the babysitting agency in Amsterdam.” We are now mothers ourselves, Evelien of Hugo ('18), Emilie ('21) and Bella ('24) and Dorine of Julian ('19) and Cato ('21).

As a Nanny, they were happy to take care of baby twins, a toddler and the household at the same time, but as a mother with three children, you run out of time. We are so grateful for all those fantastic Nannies who make it happen every day!







The Amsternannies Team

Dorine van Lith


Evelien Hunink


Ank van der Horst

Senior account manager

Amber Driessen

Junior accountmanager

Jet Rink

Junior accountmanager

Fabiënne Koot

Intern in communication sciences

Julia Kamminga

Fantastic account manager in the making

Isah Veddeler

Communications intern

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ for parents

Can we cancel a scheduled babysitting service?2023-09-12T13:41:40+00:00

Yes, an additional request for the VAST subscription or FLEX subscription can be canceled free of charge 72 hours prior to the babysitting service.

If a Nanny has already been proposed, costs will be charged if the babysitting service is canceled less than 72 hours prior to the babysitting service: The Nanny will be paid for 3 hours and the mediation costs will be charged to Amsternannies.

What does the Amsternannies selection process look like?2023-09-12T13:46:13+00:00

90% from our Nannies comes to us via via. They register with us based on a reference from a current Nanny or family. She is then invited to the job interview and her experience is tested and discussed. At least two references are called per Nanny. Extra attention is paid to experience with children under the age of two. All Nannies can take a first aid course at Amsternannies and Premium Nannies also follow the Nanny Academy.

FAQ for Nannies

What experience do I need to have to work as an Amsternanny?2023-07-28T13:22:31+00:00

You must have a lot of demonstrable experience in babysitting children from 0 to 12 years old. You can also register if you have experience with part of this age group. In addition, we think it is especially important that you really like children!

Once I have completed the Nanny Academy, can I definitely start working as a Premium Nanny? Do I always get €15.00-€17.50 per hour?2024-07-03T11:42:14+00:00

In principle, we deploy the Premium Nannies to families who need them and also pay that hourly rate. It may happen that at a certain time there is a demand for a Nanny, but not specifically for a Premium Nanny. We will then present this to you, whether you want to start somewhere or whether you would rather wait for another request.

Amsternannies Blog

  • The nicest child-friendly restaurants in Amsterdam

    July 25, 2024

    Amsterdam is a city full of catering establishments. It can be a challenge for parents to find a child-friendly restaurant, because we all know that children cannot sit still for too long. Fortunately, there are plenty of restaurants and cafes that are specially designed to make it fun and easy

  • 5 snacks for the picnic basket

    July 17, 2024

    What's more fun than having a picnic in the nice weather? That's right, nothing! It's a fun activity to do with the kids! Of course, tasty snacks should not be missing from a picnic basket. What are easy dishes that really cannot be missing from the picnic basket? We'll tell you

  • Games for on holiday!

    July 11, 2024

    A holiday is the perfect time to spend time with the family. Playing games is always part of the holiday. Cozy at the campsite, in a holiday home or just a day at the beach. We have listed the best (and smallest) games for you!  

To ask?

Contact us or come by for a cup of coffee!

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