MWe proudly present the first recipe and video for a healthy snack from Friska Kids for our Nannies!

Friska Kids will help our Nannies in a simple way to prepare healthy snacks and lunches for the children while babysitting.

Apple tower #snack

What do you need?

  • Granny Smith apple
  • Peanut butter without additives (e.g. Zeeman's butter)

From the kitchen: an apple corer, sharp knife and a tablespoon.

Take an apple corer and remove the core from the apple. Now cut the apple into thick slices. Place one slice flat on your plate and spread a tablespoon of peanut butter on it. Then place another piece of apple on top and spread peanut butter on it again. Finish the tower with a piece of apple and a nice flag on top. Lets eat!

See the video below!

[huge_it_video_player id=”2″]

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Amsternannies is the nicest babysitting agency in Amsterdam. With our blog we give you insight into the events where we attend as babysitters. You can also find great children's recipes or very cool offers for young families here!

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