Op looking for cooling and fun for the little ones? Here are some of the best swimming spots in Amsterdam where kids can have a blast:


The Oosterpark

In the Oosterpark you have a large paddling pool right across from De Tropen. The water is refreshed all day long, there are public toilets and there is supervision. There is a nice slide and a very large lawn around it. Really ideal!



The jetties behind Artis where you can swim, paddle board and sail a boat. With a view; Artis. How cool!!


Amsterdam forest

In the Amsterdamse Bos you have two play pools. Both pools have picnic benches and there is a kiosk where you can get something tasty and drink.


The Sloterplas beach

A hidden gem in Nieuw-West! Here the kids can safely splash around in shallow water, while you relax on the sandy beach. There is also a playground nearby for extra fun.

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