HIt's almost summer again! This not only means wonderful holidays or skating through the park, but also that it is ice cream weather again! Eating an ice cream in the sun while walking through the park is truly enjoyable. In any case, we are really looking forward to this and to get you into this cool vibe, we have listed a number of delicious ice cream parlors for you.

First of all, the Ijscuypje, this ice cream parlor has several locations in Amsterdam and is known for its artisanal ice cream. Ijscuypje has many different flavors, including some unusual combinations. Super fun to try! Secondly, we have Van der Linde, a classic ice cream parlor that has become famous for its delicious soft ice cream with whipped cream. Thirdly, the Metropolitan Deli is still a favorite among Amsterdam residents. Besides being a deli, they have a wide range of flavors. Last but not least, Monte Pelmo is a delicious Italian ice cream shop with truly authentic Italian gelato with traditional flavors.

Below you can see where the nearest ice cream parlor is located in your area.

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