Slurp on Tuesday evening!

One takes:

(for 3 servings):

1 small winter carrot

1 cucumber

1 large handful of unsalted peanuts

200 g udon noodles

175 g peeled edamame (soy beans)

1 generous dash of soy sauce


And this is how you do it:

–Peel the carrot and shave it into strings with a serrated peeler. You can also use a spirelli, or just a cheese slicer, with a knife you can then cut the slices into thin strips.

–Cut off three quarters of the cucumber (you can eat the last quarter as a mini while cooking). Also shave the cucumber into strings, you don't have to peel it first.

–Chop the peanuts coarsely.

–Cook the udon noodles according to the instructions on the package, adding the carrot strings during the last 3 minutes.

–Turn off the heat, add the cucumber and edamame to the cooking water and drain immediately.

–Divide the noodles among the plates and finish with the soy sauce and chopped peanuts.'

Slurp it up!

Extract from: Nina de Bruijn & Elise Gruppen. 'Chickslovefood'. iBooks.

The kids-proof cookbook

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