Toddler puberty

IDuring this period a toddler goes through a major change and discovers that he is his own person. He calls himself 'I' instead of his name. Toddlers can have tantrums, be stubborn and say no to everything. There are a number of tools that can help you during this time. Toddler puberty often starts around the age of 18 months (1.5 years). 

There are two themes that are most common during this time:

  1. Say no to everything
  2. Wanting to do everything yourself

Every toddler deals with this phase differently and this time will be different for everyone. There are some general tips that can help you.

We have put together the best tips: 

Tip 1: Stay calm and try not to lose your patience.

Tip 2: Be consistent and clearly indicate in advance what the day will look like (be predictable).

Tip3: Let your toddler rage sometimes and understand the tantrums, let your toddler be angry, give him or her space in this. If it goes too far, you can of course indicate your limits. He/she also needs to lose her energy. 

Tip 4 : Talk about it. Sometimes it can help to name your child's emotion objectively ('I see that you are angry') and to look for distraction together ('What helps you to feel happy again?').

Tip 5: Don't give the no a chance: Instead of a yes-no question such as “Shall we build a tower?” you can ask: “What do you want to do, make a drawing together or play with the blocks?” Don't give too many choices because then it becomes too complicated for the child (2 choices maximum)

Tip 6: Discover the world together and do things together at home, so you give the toddler the feeling that he/she can do more independent things and perform 'real' grown-up tasks together as a team. This ensures self-confidence and that you take him or her seriously. 

Tip 7: Naming positive behavior. Also let your toddler know if he/she does something right.


Nice podcasts: 

  • Parents of Now asks further
  • MamaBaas Podcast
  • Mom does whatever


Useful books: 

  • The Little Queen – José Sargasser
  • Help, a toddler in the house – Shannon Payette Seip
  • Ideas for the book 'A big drama with a little lama':


Useful websites:

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