aAs a nanny or parent, you probably recognize it: you have gone out of your way to prepare a delicious lunch or dinner, but there is no way you can get your child to eat. Frustration is probably the first feeling that comes to mind, but in the end it solves very little. But how do you ultimately get your child to eat? Below are some tips!:

Be creative 

Serve the food in a creative way. A funny face consisting of healthy vegetables makes it a lot more fun to eat for a child.

Hide the vegetables 

I think many parents can agree with this, hiding vegetables makes it a lot easier to get your child to eat them. Fortunately, the internet is full of them these days, so look for fun and tasty recipes. Think of pasta sauces that sometimes contain up to 8 vegetables, or a tasty smoothie with some cauliflower, broccoli or spinach. Getting your kids to eat vegetables has never been easier!

Cooking together!

Try to involve your (babysitter) child while cooking. You don't have to let him cut anything immediately, but ask him to peel the eggs, spread the bread or wash the vegetables. There is a greater chance that he will be curious about what it tastes like.

Eating should be a party

Eating should be enjoyable and fun, this is an important foundation to pass on to your child for the rest of his life. Make dessert part of the meal and do not use it as a punishment or reward. There is no point in punishing your child if he does not eat well. 

Try to reward the moments when he eats well and make the moment at the table enjoyable together. 

Offer the same food more often

Children need to taste about 10 times before they get used to a taste. So don't give up immediately if your child doesn't enjoy your new dish, but keep trying.


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Amsternannies is the nicest babysitting agency in Amsterdam. With our blog we give you insight into the events where we attend as babysitters. You can also find great children's recipes or very cool offers for young families here!

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