Expanding your family brings major changes, whether it concerns your first child or a brother or sister. Especially if it is not your first child, you want to give the other children a lot of attention and involve them in the new family situation.
Enjoy your new family to the fullest and spend your attention and energy well, without forgetting yourself. As soon as the maternity help leaves after 49 hours, the Maternity Nanny is ready to provide the necessary help and support.
For example, a maternity nanny can provide a bottle of (expressed) milk, so that you as a mother can take a shower or sleep in peace. In addition, the Maternity Nanny is happy to help with the housework, prepares rusk with mice for the maternity visit or cooks a healthy meal for the whole family.
Do you already have older children? The Maternity Nanny can entertain them, take them to school or daycare and assist during busy times at home.
Together we ensure that the maternity period has a golden edge!

Rates for MaternityNanny
per hour
Mediation costs to Amsternannies
per day