Amsternannies works with two subscriptions; 'Fixed' or 'Flex'. If you want to use a Nanny occasionally, we recommend the Flex subscription.

With this subscription you can request a Nanny at any time; for a whole day, part day or evening. Naturally, this can also involve several days or evenings per month. Would you like to go out for a spontaneous dinner or does the school or daycare center have a study day? Then we also have a Nanny available for you at the last minute.

We are also available outside office hours to provide the best possible service. The subscription can be canceled monthly.

We work with Nannies and Premium Nannies. All our Nannies have been carefully selected, have a personal intake interview with us and references are checked. Extra attention is paid to experience with children under the age of two. The Nannies can take a Pediatric First Aid course with us.

Regardless of which type of Nanny you choose, you can trust that they are professional and reliable. Our Premium Nannies have completed the Amsternannies Nanny Academy and, in addition to a lot of practical experience, also have pedagogical knowledge.

Rates for Flexible babysitting service

Mediation costs


per service

Nanny rate


Daily rate for 1 child


per hour

Daily rate for 2 or 3 children


per hour

Daily rate for 4 children


per hour

Evening rate


per hour

Are you looking for one? Flexible babysitting service?

Register your family now with Amsternannies for a personal intake.

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