EMy child likes to play outside. Unfortunately, this is becoming much less because more and more children prefer to stay indoors. This is very worrying because it is actually good for the child's health to go outside. It ensures that your child is less likely to catch a cold, produces vitamin D and the fresh outside air also ensures that blood flows faster, making it easier for your child to fall asleep. 

It's great fun to now also play a few games that you used to do as a parent with the children. Make sure you also have age-appropriate outdoor toys for the children. This sometimes gives an extra step that the children want to go outside. For example, you can buy a scooter, a ball, go-kart, swing, sidewalk chalk or a skipping rope for the children. 

Besides these toys, there are of course a number of fun games such as:

  1. Sidewalk chalks – Competitions to see who can make the most beautiful drawing on the street.
  2. Neighborhood Hide and Seek – Play hide and seek together with all the neighborhood children and find the most original hiding places. 
  3. Hunting season - Create a team of police officers and two criminals who must stay out of the hands of the police and therefore have to hide well and flee when they see the police. 
  4. The floor is lava – Try not to touch the street/grass with your feet, but try to stand on as many objects as possible so that you do not touch the street/grass. Whoever hits the street/grass first loses.
  5. To build huts - Collect all kinds of branches and leaves and build the most beautiful huts.
  6. Scavenger hunt - How fun is it to set up a treasure hunt for your children. 
  7. Land conquest – At the start of the game, a large circle is drawn on the ground. A smaller circle is drawn in the center and this forms No Man's Land. The large circle is divided into equal areas. Each player writes a country of their choice in their own box. One player starts the game and throws the ball into the air from No Man's Land. While throwing, the player calls out: 'Stand in the country and the ball is ahead', followed by one of the countries in the playing field. As soon as the ball is thrown into the air, the other players run as far away as possible. The player for whom the ball is intended, on the other hand, tries to catch the ball as quickly as possible. Did he catch the ball? Then he shouts the word 'STOP'. When hearing the safe word, all players must immediately stop. In addition, they spread their legs and look at the player who has the ball in their hands. The conqueror is also no longer allowed to move and stands still at the spot where the ball was caught. From here, this player attempts to roll the ball through the legs of a player of their choice. Did this work? Then the conqueror draws a circle around this player and writes his or her own country in it. Is the ball thrown through no legs? Then nothing happens. In both cases, the players gather to the starting field after the throwing attempt.  
  8. Marbles – Make a hole in the earth and take the marbles. Who will get them in the hole first? He can keep the marbles.

We hope that with these games you will enjoy playing outside and that the children will want nothing more than to play outside. 

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